Lactation Consultancy
The majority of babies are born knowing how to suck, but occasionally need support with latching at the breast in order to effectively transfer milk. By carrying out a comprehensive breastfeeding assessment and pregnancy, birth, and medical history to help establish an individualized care plan to meet your needs.
During Pregnancy (Antenatal)
The Antenatal period is the ideal time to begin your breastfeeding journey. Preparation before the birth ensures that you are prepared with the knowledge and skills to maximise the chance of successful breastfeeding experience. This can be a virtual or home visit.
Topics covered include:
Benefit of breastfeeding
How to get off to a good start
Skin to skin contact
How breast milk is made
How to position and attach your baby to the breast effectively
Birth and its effect on breastfeeding
How to know your baby is hungry/satisfied
Hand expressing/mechanical expressing
Colostrum harvesting
Potential challenges and when to get help
After Your Baby is Born (Postnatal)
I can offer home or virtual consultation that would include:​
A comprehensive breastfeeding assessment using a recognised tool
Sucking assesment
Support with positioning and attachment
An infant oral anatomy assessment/tongue tie assessment (option 2 only)
A personalised feeding plan (option 2)
Expert advice on any breastfeeding questions you may have
Provide essential breastfeeding website links and support group information in your area (option 2)
ï‚· Agreed follow-ups regarding your personalised feeding needs
Antenatal visit
This visit usually lasts 60 -90 minutes.
£85 per consultation
Initial Home or Hospital Visit
Option 1: a single home visit for 60 minutes according with the above …£85.00
Option 2: home visit up to 90 minutes with summary care plan and virtual 4 weeks follow up £120
Follow up Visit
If you have an unresolved or a new breastfeeding challenge you may opt for a follow-up face-to-face
visit. This visit is up to 45 minutes…. £65.00, 45-75 minutes £80.00
Mileage is charged at 50 pence per mile
Virtual Consultations
I would always prefer to visit you in person but I am aware that there are circumstances where this
is not possible. If you have a problem or challenge that requires immediate help, does not require a
physical assessment or if you live too far away for a visit.
Option1: £75 for 60 minutes
Option2: £105 for 90 minutes consultation, summary care plan, and follow-up support for 4 weeks.
If you live in Birmingham, I can see you at the following clinic:
22 George Road,
B15 1 PJ
on selective days between 10am-5pm